Noelle Selin profile on MIT home page
/Read about Noelle and the group's work, as featured on the MIT home page on October 23:
Read about Noelle and the group's work, as featured on the MIT home page on October 23:
2017 Selin Group PhD graduate Amanda Giang talks about her work on mercury with MIT News.
A new publication by Rebecca Saari (Ph.D. 2015) in Environmental Science and Technology was highlighted in MIT News. The paper provided a first breakdown of ozone exposure, health, and economic impacts by household income across the U.S. It used a modified version of the MIT Joint Program’s U.S. Regional Energy Policy (USREP) model to simulate the health and economic impacts of ozone exposure and ozone-reduction policy on nine U.S. income groups. Comparing a set of policies under consideration in 2014 with a business-as-usual scenario, the researchers found the policies to be most effective in reducing mortality risks among lowest-income (less than $10,000 per year) households, which netted twice the relative economic gains as their highest-income (more than $150,000 per year) counterparts.
Our SelinGroup January outing was to the "Escape the Room" challenge center BodaBorg. We said goodbye to former group administrator Keeley Rafter, and welcomed new postdocs Helene Angot and Dan Rothenberg.