Amy Kaczur, Group Administrator
Amy Kaczur is our group administrator at the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, beginning her career at MIT in January 2017. Prior to coming to MIT, she has worked administratively in education, the arts, and culinary industries. Her accomplishments include: helped to achieve Green Business Certification for US Foods, Los Angeles as a member of their Go Green Committee; cooperatively established processes and advocacy in the newly created Dean of Faculty’s office at School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; and developed media workshops and technical demonstrations at UC Irvine. In her free time Amy also produces video art, grounded in environmental concerns, food production, and local economies. Amy is a graduate of Tufts University and University of California, Irvine, and has lived in the Ohio Rust Belt, Cambridge and Los Angeles. She’s also a foodie, gardener, bicyclist, and hiker. Her email is akaczur at mit.